Oct 29, 2009 10:40
...or actually AP McDuck had a farm. Oh, yes. I'm an enthusiastic little farmer these dys :p I tried to resist for a long time but finally gave in and now I'm a FarmVille-holic in Facebook :D
I spend my days planning what crops to grow, if I should grow tomatoes that take eight hours or rice that takes 12 hours or maybe wheat that takes 3 days. And then I plan if I should try to get mastery for different crops and what would they be. The crops that cost more and give more you have to harvest more times before getting the mastery than the cheaper ones. And I've spent hours reordering the farm while planning where should I put my houses and trees and animals, and buying decorations and planning what would look pretty.
So yeah, she's crazy :D And loving it while it lasts.