Jun 11, 2009 14:30
Tomorrow is my last day at work before my holiday begins \o/
Seems like it's going to be quite an active one and I'm at home only one weekend and a couple of half weeks during the four weeks. We'll go to our cabin on Saturday and when we come from there we'll go to Mikko's parents for Midsummer, then there's only one week and we'll leave to Wien... Will have to try and do almost nothing during the days I'm at home. Maybe I'll finally have a chance to watch some movies :p
Some time during the summer we also should go to Helsinki for one weekend, to the cabin one weekend, see some family and friends at some point, and on top of it all in August we'll go to Stockholm to see Coldplay.
Seems like a lot to do but hey, since I didn't do almost anything last summer it's nice to have things to do. And even someone to do them with :)
And talking about past, I haven't heard a word from ex since we agreed on some kind of "peace" about dogs... Feels like he after all isn't that interested in seeing them despite of what he said. I also saw him and his wife at the supermarket the other day. We didn't say anything and it was one weird experience.