New discovery about my beloved DVD player....

Mar 19, 2003 16:31

Today, I found out that my DVD player is actually multi-regional! Good God, I've owned it for at least two or three years and I had no idea that it was multi-regional. I only found out when I asked my mother about purchasing a multi-regional player someday, and she replied that she had actually programmed it to be that way soon after she bought it.

How bloody brilliant is that? Now I can buy DVDs from the USA that cannot be found here in the UK! Such as the ReBoot Season Three DVDs that I've been wanting for ages. I love that show, but it was cancelled in the UK before Season Three had even finished, so I was pretty narked off about that.

Ooh, and I can also purchase the Lil' Kim DVD that is supposed to be coming out in April! I doubt that it will be released over here, you see (but you never know....).

Yep, you read all of that correctly. I'm overjoyed simply because I've discovered that my DVD player is multi-regional. Good God, I need to get me a life. ;-)

At the moment, I'm tempted to go for a quick walk around the estate. The weather is beautiful here. And the smell of freshly cut grass still lingers....

So, what happened at college today, then? Erm, not much. Except for the fact that I finally discovered where the principal's office is. I had to go there in order to find out where my exam is being held. As it turns out, I have to go to the Sports Hall to take it.

*Whimper* I am not looking forward to tomorrow....

reboot, nervousness, college, lil' kim, dvds & blu-rays, walks, weather, nice smells, exams

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