Icon meme ganked from
griefer, even though I only have a measly 15 icons to work with.
ONE. How do you feel right now?
TWO. What's your favorite pastime?
...Yeeeeaaahh, don't ask.
THREE. Do you consider yourself a strange person?
FOUR. What's your main fandom?
Well, one of my current ones, anyway.
Okay, so it's an OT6. I don't have any OTP icons at the moment, d'oh.
SIX. How do you describe yourself?
I like kitties.
SEVEN. What's your favorite icon to use besides your default?
EIGHT. Do you have an icon of your future husband/wife?
I would bang him so hard UNF. Or there's this one:
- Michael, that is (I would very much like to bang him like a screen door in a hurricane), not Fernando or Lewis. Oh, and also her:
Why can't I just have a foursome with all of them it's so unfair. (I'm just joking Euan, stop sulking. :P)
NINE. Do you have a WTF icon?
TEN. How do you feel towards love?
It makes me happy!
ELEVEN. Saddest icon?
Okay, so it's an angry icon, but, still. BEWARE THE HEATHER BEAM.
TWELVE. Happiest icon?
THIRTEEN. Crackiest icon?
Yes, it's true. Pyramid Head likes to skip through fields of flowers and rainbows while he goes about his daily business.