Not my throat! I need that for swallowing!

Jun 25, 2009 20:51

It's my mum's birthday tomorrow. I finally managed to decide on some gifts for her, so hopefully she'll like them and won't end up selling or accidentally breaking them...

For the past few days, I've been slogging my way through Crash: Mind Over Mutant, because I've been in a very Crash-y mood lately and I've been wanting to play this game for abso-freaking-lutely ages. All in all, I love it, it's hilarious as usual, and it is a lot more rounded game than Crash of the Titans (though I do love that game, too) - it's actually got an equal amount of classic-style platforming along with the new-school combat. It does have a few flaws, though, that I hope will be ironed out in future games, and I'm a little disappointed by the shortness of story mode. Never mind.

I'm also about to start playing the Klonoa remake. Whoot!

Aaaand now I'm hungry. Again.

computer/video games, birthdays, gaming, mother, reviews, crash bandicoot, klonoa

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