The spider-eating cat (potentially) strikes again.

Apr 01, 2009 21:54

Chiana and Snufkin just ran downstairs like maniacs, and the next thing I knew, Chi was pounce-pawing at the ground, and seemed to be munching on... something.

I'm too nervous to go and investigate, but, if whatever she pounced on happened to be a spider, then I hope to fuck she ate the bastard. She's done it before, and by God, she can do it again! XD

Also, gamecandy? Why, oh why, are you not loading properly? I only just discover that someone very kindly uploaded some of the Dead Space screencaps I requested, and, yet, you fail to load for me now? *headdesk*

cats, computer/video games, argh spiders, internet issues, snufkin the cat, communities, annoyances, dead space, pets, chiana the cat

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