Just spent ages doing a big-ass icon post, and have a great New Year's!

Dec 31, 2008 20:22

Okay, I've spent waaaaay too long on the computer today. But at least I managed to finish my Jericho icon post, at long fucking last. :D Feel free to check it out, if you're interested. (NSFW warnings apply for blood, gore, language, etc..)

I also now have the Firstborn's theme music as my new ringtone. XDD Oh, am I gonna get some strange looks when the sounds of the creepy choirboy of doom start blaring from my phone...

(Maybe I should've slapped the Child Crusaders' theme on there as well. Now that would make me answer my phone really bloody quickly. XD)

It really doesn't feel much like New Year's Eve today. Hmmm. I hope the guinea pigs aren't too frightened by all the fireworks currently going off. (The cats don't mind; they love watching them out the window, especially Chi.)

Right, I'd best get my ass off the computer for now. Toodles, and see you all next year!

cats, computer/video games, new year, icons, music, links, guinea pigs, clive barker's jericho, pets, my communities

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