May 05, 2008 12:20
Dear stupid teenage kids who think it's a great idea sit in the middle of the courtyard and play loud music on your mobile phones - so loud I can pretty much hear every word - whilst I'm in bed, trying to have a lie-in:
Fuck you.
No love, your very tired and very cranky neighbour.
Seriously. It's a Bank Holiday, and I'm willing to bed that I'm not the only one taking advantage of the extra time to spend in bed. I don't know if you mean to be inconsiderate, but for the love of cheese, why do you need to play your music that loud in the first place?! Honestly.
(No, I didn't just get up, this incident happened a few hours ago, in case you're thinking "OMG WTF are you still doing in bed?!".)
annoying children,
annoying wankers,
stupid neighbours