Haircut gets!

Apr 08, 2008 18:01

I had a new haircut a few hours ago. I've had a lot off, and I mean a lot. It's kind of how I used to have it, very short and spiky, only it seems to be a little longer on top and a little shorter on the sides.

I may post pics at some point, once I get over the fact that my eyebrows are, as always, awful-looking. No wonder people often mistake me for a man.

On a different note, if I have one more random, immature idiot - whom I don't know - beep his vehicle horn at me, I am going to scream. Yes, sweetie, you may think you look big and clever and special, but the fact is, you're a dickhead. Grow some balls and grow up.

Sorry, I'm just in a bad mood right now. Ugh.

annoyances, haircut, body issues, annoying wankers, bad mood

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