Little swimming men

Feb 17, 2008 11:15

I'm glad I got up early today.

I had a mildly annoying day at work yesterday (seriously, I could not believe how freaking busy it was). However, in the evening, I had a good chat with Kayleigh and JJ who had come in for a little bit of shopping. Amongst other things, Kayleigh was saying how they'd both watched a programme about birth the other day, and it made her reconsider having kids any time soon. XD I then proceeded to make them ill with stories of birth gone wrong that I've heard (including the fact that I know of someone who actually broke her back giving birth).

We also talked about another possible meet-up, so hopefully that'll be in the works sometime soon. Even if E will probably be there, but I can always ignore her like I did last time. XD

Oh yeah, and Silent Hill: 0rigins arrived the other day. Fuck yeah. *squees* I wonder if the game will actually confirm any of the theories and speculations that have been circulating since the first game, or will it only serve to confuse everyone further? (Given that this is SH we're talking about, I'd say the latter is more likely.)

Then, when I've played it, I can actually listen to the OST I downloaded the other day. ^_^ *has this thing about not listening to soundtracks until she's seen/played whatever the music comes from*

Right, I think I'll go watch a DVD now.

Quote of the day (yesterday):
*talking about birth, etc*
Kayliegh: *saying how she and JJ were considering surrogacy as a possible option* "All we'll need are my eggs, and JJ's little swimming men..."

soundtracks, computer/video games, music, quote(s) of the day, friends, silent hill, early bird, work, pregnancies

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