We are a peaceful planet of warmongers.

Dec 27, 2007 20:19

As Euan gave it to me as a Christmas present, I started playing Crash of the Titans today (no surprises as to where the quote in the subject title comes from, then XD). :D It's hell of a lot of fun. Some of the Titans themselves can be a little frustrating, but it is still awesome. The character redesigns no longer make me cringe, although I do miss the old Tiny.

I'm currently at Episode 10, if I remember correctly.

In other news, I still feel like shit. On top of all the usual symptoms, my nose is itching like a motherfucker, and my right eye will not. Stop. Watering. It's sore from where I've been wiping it.

I also feel incredibly dirty, so I'm going to go and have a bath in a few minutes, freshen myself up a bit.

presents, gaming, christmas, illness, cold virus, crash bandicoot, euan

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