Best friggin' T-shirt ever (well, one of them)

Dec 13, 2007 22:44

After my shift at the office (and a rather unpleasant panic attack), me and Euan walked into town in order to do some late-night shopping. It was so bloody cold, gaaah.

I mainly wanted to get some wings for my costume, and Euan was mainly after some presents (birthday and Christmas) for his mum.

Amongst those items, we also bought:

- A wand for my costume
- DVDs (the complete Black Books and another addition to my Asian horror collection, Apartment 1303)
- Hot chocolate (with which I managed to scald my tongue, arg)
- Food
- Sega Saturn with four games
- T-shirt with a Shy Guy on the front (because Shy Guys are just that awesome)
- Gold tinsel
- Blue Christmas lights

Shortly after, we got a lift home from my mum. :)

Anyway... bed soon.

presents, shopping, computer/video games, links, fancy dress, euan, dvds & blu-rays, birthdays, super mario, christmas, panic attack, work, clothes

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