That sound you hear would be me repeatedly beating my head against the desk.

Dec 07, 2007 21:15

Cons of the day:

* Having to do some indexing at the office - again.

* Almost slipping over on all the mud whilst walking (read: waddling like a moron in order to avoid slipping and falling) to the supermarket.

* Going to the supermarket to find that there was only one corner Christmas tree left on the shelf, so I had to convince the girls behind the electrical desk to hold it for me until my shift ended.

* Discovering that, upon entering the supermarket, they're blasting out Christmas tunes all over the place, even though they don't play music any other time of the year any more.

* Discovering that, upon entering the supermarket's staff only-area, that they have set up the speakers so as to have the Christmas tunes playing there, too. Including the warehouses and the locker rooms. The locker rooms where, on my long Saturday lunch breaks, I go to read quietly (minus those in-store announcments over the tannoy).

* Clocking in late after discovering that my new watch was slightly slower than the in-store clocks.

* Having to weave through crowds of customers.

* Having some bitchy girl I used to go to school with years ago (don't know if she recognised me, or not) come up to me, ask me a question about hair accessories, and then proceeding to walk off before I'd even finished giving her the answer she so desired.

* Having to wait for ages after my shift had ended for the electrical desk to be re-opened, as the woman who has the key and the authority to access it had gone on her tea break and completely forgetting about the tree I'd had put back. (Woah, run-on sentence.)

Pros of the day:

* Having our kitchen refurbished and moved around slightly - yay for more space! (I was initially opposed to this idea, as it was done whilst I was at work and without my knowledge, but I got over it and once I saw the result, I was pleased.)

* Getting our Christmas tree. We still need decorations, though.

Bath now, and then some food. Quick, microwavable food, mind you, because I can't be arsed to cook properly tonight.

annoyances, food, work rants, house, christmas, work, waddle waddle

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