Nov 19, 2007 19:27
Yesterday, we had Jem over for a few hours. She needed cheering up for reasons I won't go into (personal stuff), but I think I probably failed in my attempts.
We did play a few games, though, which kept us entertained for a while - Tekken 5 and Soul Calibur III (it had been been fucking ages since the previous time I played that), namely.
Also, when Jem first arrived, Euan was in the process of doing the Tomb of Qualopec on TR Anniversary. We sat and watched.
My thoughts:
- I don't like how the encounter with Larson was reduced to one of those "interactive cutscenes" very much.
- I miss the spike traps from the original. ;_; And those eerie statues.
- On the other hand, I fucking love - yes, I actually *gasp* enjoyed something about TRA, you may now faint with shock - how they kept in the falling mummified guard in Qualopec's chamber. Okay, so it was the right-hand one instead of the left-hand one, but I'm not complaining. I like to think I don't nitpick that much. I'd have preferred it if it happened during gameplay, as opposed to a cutscene, but, oh well.
- Also - Qualopec's corpse gets up. HE RISES FROM HIS THRONE TO COME AND GET LARA. Holy shit on a stick, that gave me the chills. Seriously, that was awesomely done. I kind of wanted to see some more of him, but, in the end, it would have ruined the atmosphere. A quick shot of him rising is a lot better, I think.
Hmmm, I wonder if we'll be treated to zombie Tihocan, as well? XD
Today, I overslept again. I actually woke up at the time I usually leave the house to walk to work. O_O I am amazed that I managed to arrive at the office bang on time.
...I really fancy a bowl of cereal, for some reason. Laters.
shameless fangasm,
soul calibur,
tomb raider,