"You are very funny. You talk, but all I hear is silliness."

Oct 16, 2007 23:13

Whilst working, every so often, there comes a customer who reminds me why I hate some of them so much:

Me: *ho-hum, ho-hum, cleaning the shelves, la-de-da*
Bitchy woman: *suddenly materialises out of nowhere, or so it seems* *no "excuse me", just snapping* "Where are your own brand shower gels?"
Me: *annoyed by this woman's rudeness* "Yes, we have this one here..." *holds up a bottle of the supermarket-brand shower gel, which just so happens to be the only bottle left on the shelf, as most of the other own-brands are out of stock*
Bitchy woman: *practically snarls* "No, your OWN brand."
Me: *thinking "Erm, it quite clearly states on the bottle that this IS our own brand, you stupid bitch"* *quickly realises that this woman is not going to accept my humble offering of own-brand gel, in pite of the fact that is what she is looking for* "This is where all the own-brand shower gels are kept, but unfortunately all the others are out of stock at the moment."
Bitchy woman: *glares at me, grabs trolley and starts to storm off* *hissing* "YOU'RE A TWENTY-FOUR HOUR STORE, YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE OUT OF STOCK!!" *stamps off down the aisle*
Me: *both bemused and annoyed* *mutters under breath* "Bitch."

Oh, customers, why do some of you have to suck so hard? >_< Holy arsing shitsticks.

Earlier, I saw that a new Volcanic store had opened up where the old Monsoon store used to be, so I popped inside and bought myself a nice new top for £3.00. I also went into LameGameStation, because I felt like having a look at their game merchanidise, such as T-shirts. I know that me and Euan have been boycotting them for some time due to the bad service we have recieved from them, but I caved in and bought two Super Mario Strikers T-shirts - one for Euan, one for me. I also noticed that they are selling a satchel with the S.T.A.R.S. insignia on it - my inner reaction was something like "Kick-fucking-ass!". I've so got to get that. XD

In other news, Jem made a surprise visit to her house on Sunday - she caught a late train from her Uni - so she came round to our house for the day. :D We played with the cats and also some Mario Kart: DD before she had to go home.

Work tomorrow, as I'm making up for the fact that I took an extra day off last week. Urgh.

Bed soon. Night night, all!

mario kart: double dash!!, cats, work rants, super mario strikers, bad service, rude people, euan, stupid customers, clothes, shopping, jem, gaming, bags, resident evil, super mario, work, stupid people

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