Aug 25, 2007 12:51
Okay, so there I was, lying in bed, having a pleasant little lie-in, when I heard these noises. Sort of scrabbling, scratching noises, and I couldn't make out where they were coming from, but it sounded as though they may have been coming from our attic, or our roof.
I sort of froze still, staring at the ceiling, while thoughts such as "Oh god, Kayako rats?!" ran through my head, before I calmed down a little and thought that maybe it was squirrels, birds or even a cat or more running across the roof (Euan's dad has been helping us out with the attic, he would've told us if he'd seen any rats or an abnormally pale chick wrapped in a plastic bag in the corner). Even so, I bolted out of bed and went to the window, peering outside and straining my ears. I heard the noises again, except this time it sounded as though they were coming from outside as well. So maybe I could hear something from someone else's roof (heck, it may not have been on anyone's roof, but it certainly did sound a bit like that).
The noises continued for a short while, I think after I returned to bed, but not for too long.
It was kind of jarring at the time, though. XD
Gotta go to work soon. Urrrrgggh. Wish me luck. :P
strange noises,