I ish sho tired

Aug 19, 2007 23:35

Okay, so my mother didn't deliver the chest of drawers today, apparently because a) she had no-one to help her carry it (ie. Alice) and b) she was busy with paperwork all or most of the day. The latter reason was also why she didn't ask Euan to help her set up the Wii if she couldn't figure it out herself.

Oh well. I'm not really too bothered, and I can fully understand her reasons - she was obviously busy and I sure as hell wouldn't expect her - or anyone (unless they were really beefy or something) - to lift a heavy pine chest of drawers all by herself or even attempt to move it slightly - she does have a bad back, so, yeah.

Also, yesterday I bought myself a new top (purple) and a pair of tracksuit bottoms (a very nice blue). They are so comfortable, mmm-hmm.

I also had a very... interesting (ie. sexually explicit and rather perverted in some places) Ju-on-themed dream this morning, but I might - that's a big "might" - update about it in a "condensed" form some other time. o_O

Anyway, I really should go and get mine & Euan's lunches ready for work tomorrow very soon, as I could quite happily go straight to bed right now.

shopping, bizarre, sex, ju-on, euan, dreams, tiredness, sister, mother, perviness, furniture, work, clothes

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