
Apr 29, 2007 21:33

My throat's been feeling a little raw all day. >_< I hope I'm not coming down with anything.

Today has been a pretty lazy day, as is the case with most Sundays I spend at Euan's, aside from when we decided to go for a walk around the village for the first time in a while - the weather has been lovely, so why not. :)

We spent quite a while outside, mainly due to the fact that we got distracted by a field of cows (and a bull). We simply stood at the fence, watching them, until a whole group of about eight (later nine) of them came up to investigate. They were poking their heads through the fence to sniff us. XD I love cows. They're awesome. *Nod*

I must remember to call Jodie and Kayleigh sometime during this coming week.

walks, laziness, cattle, euan, animals

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