Software, work shizz, foods, etc.

Apr 24, 2007 21:23

I am currently trying to install a trial version of Adobe Photoshop 7.0, since my other version is on the blink. It's a temporary measure, until I can either download/buy another full version of the software.

Work at the supermarket was so bloody annoying tonight. I had a feeling that it was time to change the promotional stock around - I guessed correctly. This isn't what bothered me - I quite like doing it, actually. What did bother me was Little Miss Squeaky marching around on the warpath, doing her usual "say one thing and then change my mind a few seconds later" routine. First off, I was informed that I had to get three promotional ends and one 'hotspot' done before I went home. Er, yeah. Get all of that done in, what, two and a half hours? I don't freaking think so. >_< This attitude annoyed everyone else working on the department, because they all know what this woman is like. I was told not to worry about it if I didn't have everything done (which we all knew was going to be the case).

Then, about an hour into the shift, I was told to help pull the delivery. Yeeeaaah, I'm really gonna get the promotional shit done now. *eyeroll* Make up your damn mind, love.

Then, to top it all off, I, like the knob I so clearly am, dropped a bottle of Lynx shower gel onto the floor, causing the lid to pop off and spew the contents across the floor. Whoo, time to call the janitor, then start cleaning up the mess myself as he takes a while to get there (I had about five to ten minutes of my shift to go when this occurred). Fun.

Before I went to that place of work, however, I decided to wander around town a bit first. I tried to look in White Pebble, a posh dress shop, for bridesmaid dress options, but, as it turns out, they're closed on Tuesdays. XD I decided to nip into the Oriental food shop whilst I was down that end of town, and bought myself two boxes of Pocky (chocolate & strawberry), and a packet of shrimp-flavoured instant noodles to try. I ought to go in that shop more often. :D

Now I'm feeling strangely bouncy for no real reason. Yay. XD

town, shopping, food, work rants, wedding, i have the dumb, bouncebouncebounce, annoyances, work, photoshop, stupid co-workers

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