Feb 13, 2007 23:57

Okay, how does using the word "disdain" make me sound "pretentious" & "arrogant"?! Please tell me, mother, I would love to know where you get that basis from.

Work (at the supermarket) pissed me off today. Sylvia told me to go and help Sarah out with something in the last half-hour of my shift - I would have quite happily done this, had she not changed her mind a few minutes later and told me to clear everything off my department - including all the shit that wasn't even mine. I had only just tidied all of my litter away and returned all of the backstock to the warehouse, when she told me that I had to clear up everyone else's rubbish as well.

The stuff I had to clear away had been left there since before my shift started, because, unfortunately, some of the people who work on that department are lazy wankers who can't be arsed to tidy their own crap away. I dislike having to tidy up after others as much as it is, but when I have to deal with two cages & three flat tops, most of them messily stacked (and most of them had knackered wheels, so I must have made an interesting sight, trying not to allow the things to careen into the shelves/into people, & just generally struggling to gain control over the rebellious things), it really makes me mad. It's even more infuriating when the blame for the mess is thrust on you, but that didn't seem to happen this evening.

The moral of the story? Clean up after yourselves, instead of leaving the understaffed department to deal with it. Thank you so much.

what manner of bullshit is this, work rants, work, stupid co-workers

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