The Eye 2 review, & a customer rant

Jul 01, 2006 21:07

*Realises that she hasn't done a customer rant in a while* Oh well, here goes:

Dear Wanker:

I'd appreciate it if you were actually grateful that I showed you where the toothcare section was, instead of bitching and whining about how "ZOMG there isn't a sign up!! Why isn't there a sign?! You should talk to the managers about this!". >_< Eeesh, shut the hell up and just be glad that I was kind enough to point the section out to you. It isn't even that difficult to find, and you walked right past it in order to get to me!

*Rubs head*

*Fans self* Christ, it's so hot & muggy at the moment. *Contemplates shoving her face in a bucket of cold water*

In other news, Euan & I did manage to watch The Eye 2 on Friday. :D The rental disc did skip just before the film's climax, but thankfully it only skipped a few seconds, during a lengthly non-speaking part with nothing enormously important happening (plus I was able to view it - albeit in reverse - by rewinding it). That's not to say it wasn't annoying, but I'm glad it didn't skip over any of the really important parts, so, yeah. :)

So, anyway, I did enjoy the film. However, it is not as good as the first film, in my opinion, nor is it as scary. It does have some marvellous unexpected jump moments, but, once you get to the end of the film & the viewer realises what the motives of the ghosts are, the film really doesn't seem as spooky if you look back on it.

It comes across as more of a film about the concept of rebirth, rather than a horror story. Once you realise that all the spirits want is to be reborn, they do not seem very threatening at all - some of the spirits are, of course, pretty angry and/or sad, but they don't come across as menacing as, say, the young woman in the calligraphy class or the old man in the elevator as seen in the first film (in my opinion, two of the best damn scares I've ever seen in a horror movie). Their intentions are not bad - all they want is to be reborn. In the case of the main character, Joey, she is pursued by the ghost of her boyfriend Sam's wife who commited suicide when she discovered that he was having an affair. Of course, Joey herself only learns of the fact that her boyfriend was, in fact, married when he met her near the end of the film, and she discovers who the mysterious woman she keeps seeing is. The wife (whose name completely escapes me right now) is not a malevolent spirit (although she may seem like it during a lot of her appearances), all she wants is to be reborn into the body of Joey's unborn baby, so that she may forget the pain of her previous life & start over.

Because of this theme, I see the film as more of a human drama with supernatural qualities and Buddhist beliefs, rather than a full-blown horror film. (Of course, the same could be said about the first film - minus the strong rebirth theme - it is an excellent drama as well as a horror film.)

I kind of wish I didn't watch the trailer immediately before the actual film, though. During one of the biggest jump scenes, I wasn't affected quite as much as I should have been due to the fact that it featured at the end of the trailer. XD Oh well, it was still a great moment, regardless.

Like the first film, this sequel has some excellent emotionally-charged moments. Some scenes almost had me welling up, and the acting throughout is superb. The imagery is also pretty good, however some of the special effects just look CG - fortunately, the CG isn't needlessly overdone.

Overall, I greatly enjoyed it. I may prefer the first one, but that doesn't mean I don't love this sequel. :)

*Uses silly Raiden icon for the hell of it*

reviews, euan, the eye, dvds & blu-rays, films, ramblings, work, stupid customers, rants

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