Random shizz

May 15, 2006 00:33

Heh. I just won an eBay auction for some Lara Croft deodorant, shower gel & a keyring. *is a huge dork*

19.3% of the Silent Hill movie is currently downloaded. Man, this thing is taking forever. (Unsurprisingly.) XD

Euan & I heard Super Mario Bros. 3 music on a special episode of Takeshi's Castle the other day. Win. :D

Small customer rant: No, I do not know if we have any more marshmallows in stock. I cannot go and look, for I do not work in that department, thus a) I am technically not allowed to go rumaging around in the food warehouse, and b) even if I was, then it would be a waste of both my time and yours because I wouldn't have a clue where to start looking. I would appreciate it if you would kindly stop staring at me with this gormless expression on your face as your brain desperately tries to process this information. Plus - I am holding a tube of sodding face wash in my hands, for crying out loud. Does it really seem likely that I work with food? I think not. Go and ask someone who works on food and stop bothering me, thanks.

Ahem. Sorry, but it really gets on my nerves that I can't even leave my department to go and print new product labels without being ambushed by customers who ask me questions regarding the departments that I do not work on. Gah.

I've been so bored this evening/morning. Meh.

downloads, silent hill movie, gaming, work rants, television, random, ebay, lara croft, tomb raider, super mario, stupid customers, work

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