Okay, so I'm looking for a decent copy of the Director's Cut version of The Grudge. I found several, including this one:
http://cgi.ebay.com/The-Grudge-Extended-Cut-DVD-New-Sealed-buySAFE_W0QQitemZ9113297064QQcategoryZ617QQssPageNameZWD1VQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem I am currently rather amused at the fact that they listed the movie genre as "Children & Family". XDD LMAO.
On a completely different note, it really, really bugs me when customers I've never even met before address me by name. >_< It is creepy and it is irritating, mmmkay?
It also really bugs me when I catch a taxi, and the driver turns out to be that annoying, smartass git I've had before. This guy also happens to drive like a maniac. Wanker.
Bed now. ^_^