Yet another TR: Legend rant, and bad programme titles

Apr 06, 2006 22:25

I just read a review of Tomb Raider: Legend. I really shouldn't have, because reviews by games magazines are always guaranteed to piss me off, positive review or negative review - I just hate gaming magazines in general. They all seem to be run by complete pricks who believe that their word is final, and those who disagree with their reviews are mocked and bashed childishly. This is why I also dislike the vast majority of other gamers.

One of the things they said in the review was (bolded text is my own emphasis): "They haven't gone out to reinvent the action game, and they haven't tried to reinvent Lara either." XDD Bullshit, Mr. Reviewer! Complete bullshit!

Alright, so they were probably talking about Lara's abilities, rather than her person, but, still, the irony!

Another thing: "....aims to erase the memory of Angel of Darkness." Yes, because AoD is eeebil and it can't possibly have happened! OH NOES!!

Seriously, though, the whole AoD-bashing stance taken by so many is incredibly boring and unoriginal now. Yes, the game was a failure, harr harr harr. *eyeroll*

Plus - and I really couldn't give a crap about what anyone else says - in my opinion, AoD is not a "terrible" game, as so many would be eager to say. While I do admit that the game is not perfect by any means, that it is weak compared to the other games, and that the gameplay is not the best, I can also admit that I love the game and found it to be incredibly fun (the fact that I've played it through multiple times should tell you this). But, hey, what does my opinion matter? Everyone knows that gaming magazines are always right and everyone else is wrong!

I have to admit, though, I was mildly surprised that there wasn't more AoD-bashing in the review - I would have expected more, considering that the review is in a mainstream gaming magazine.

However, I wasn't in the last bit surprised when they went on to describe that black dress of hers as "smart". No, it's just incredibly trampy and over-the-top. I'm not saying that fanservice in general is a bad thing - you'd have to be blind to not recognise the blatant fanservice that has flowed through the series since the first game, but that dress is just completely overdoing it. They'll be inserting random pantyshots and random lesbian encounters next time. >_< (No, I'm not against lesbianism. I just hate it when people feel the need to randomly insert it into everything they can for the sake of fanboys getting rock-hard erections over it.)

And then, the real "WTF?" comment: "Lara comes across as an engaging character in Legend. Rather than being a mardy, trust-fund cow like she was in recent games, she's sassy with a ruthless streak when needed."

......Just.... what the hell? O_O I don't know what games they've been playing, but Lara has always been a sassy and engaging character. She's never been two-dimensional or boring. And yes, she has displayed this "ruthless streak" before - the ending of TR III, anyone?

Also, "trust-fund cow"? Just what the heck are these people smoking? XD

In the game's defence, though - and I have said this before - the gameplay does look awesome, and the graphics are incredibly gorgeous. The game will probably surpass the other installments in terms of gameplay, and I am looking forward to that.

Story-wise, however, it's too much like a bad fanfic. XD

But, yeah, on a more mellow note, I have pretty much accepted that Eidos and Crystal Dynamics have completely messed up the story. But that doesn't mean I have to like it. The reason it bugs me so much is because of the blatant continuity errors, and the fact that they've turned one of my all-time favourite gaming characters into a bint. I absolutely hate it when developers/directors/writers/etc. fuck around with the plot of anything. Yes, it's their decision to make, but, in my opinion, effectively denying that everything prior to the story changes ever happened is a step too far.

I will play the game for the gameplay - heck, that's what games are all about, really. But, with games, the story is also important to me. Which is another reason why I'm so deeply disappointed.

Okay. Rant over.

In other news, there's a programme on TV called......... wait for it..... Sex Sexy. O_o Bad title. Bad, baaaaaaaaaaad title. No prizes for guessing the theme of that particular show. XD

tomb raider, gaming, ha ha gaming magazines, television, new tomb raider, lara croft

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