
Apr 04, 2006 15:21

Man, I wish The Eye had a soundtrack CD (okay, it may exist already, but, if it does, I have yet to know about it). It's got awesome music.

......And now I'm at the end of the film and everyone is being burninated. Yah.

In other news, I have completed the first Klonoa twice in the space of a few days. XD I adore that game, but one of its few flaws is that it is so short.

I also find it funny that I don't find some of the bosses to be nearly as challenging as they were waaaay back when I first played it through. I always remember that Joka used to give me hell, but now I only find him mildly challenging. Ghadius is still a bit of a tricky bugger, but, again, not as difficult as I remember (I can always recall playing it early one morning, getting extremely frustrated because I just kept losing). In my opinion, though, one of the best boss battles that the game has to offer - I find it to be enormously fun & interesting. Add that to the fact that Ghadius rules. XD

Klonoa 2, on the other hand, is a great deal more challenging, what with the fact that you have to collect 150 stones in every level, and the Momett dolls too. The story isn't as good as the first game's, though, nor is it as charming. Still got bloody fun gameplay, though.

In other news, my Resident Evil CDs & Euan's Shadow of the Colossus CD arrived this morning. \o/ Whoo! ^__^ Now all I have to wait for is Klonoa: Empire of Dreams for the GBA, and then I must stop spending all my earnings for a while. Next time I go on eBay and try to bid on/buy something, I want somebody to slap some sense into me. XD

Euan & I saw the last 30 minutes or so of Wasabi last night. Seeing Jean Reno on a DDR machine is incredibly surreal. XD Yet strangely amusing at the same time.

I enjoyed what I saw of the film, though. I may just have to purchase the DVD, if I can find it at a reasonable price.

Time to get ready for work now. What fun.

shadow of the colossus, cds, computer/video games, gaming, ebay, klonoa, the eye, online shopping, films, money

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