Nekkid Hitomi!

Jan 31, 2006 12:36

Why the flipping hell did I have a dream of three naked dancing Hitomis this morning? O_O

Okay, so I have been playing quite a bit of Dead Or Alive 4 over the past couple of days, but, still. XD

A few random observations about the game (I shall try my best not to spoil anything):

- My verdict on the new characters:
Eliot: I haven't played as him that much, but, from what I can tell, his style is a decent alternative to Gen-Fu's, and he is kind of cool. I could get a pretty decent feel for him shortly after I began playing as him.
Kokoro: Originally, I didn't think I'd like her that much - can't really say why, it was more of an irrational dislike. Plus, she seemed like she was going to be a bit of a Leifang knock-off. However, now I've seen her in action, I have changed my opinion. Her fighting style is unique and interesting, although some of her moves remind me of Gen-Fu and Helena, somewhat. She has purty hair, too. *Strokes* =b However, I am not very good with her at the moment - it may take me a little while to get used to her fighting style.
La Mariposa/Lisa: She's one of the few characters who I could just instantly get a feel for as soon as I started playing as her. Love her moveset, love her fighting style, and she just plain rocks. Easily my favourite out of the new characters.

- I am liking Ayane's new helicopter-type kick. Muchly.

- Alpha = evil, evil, evil. Though not quite as evil as Omega/Genra in terms of final boss difficulty, but she's still damn cheap.

- Kasumi's ending is just...... so pointless. XD Gorgeous colours, yes, but still ultimately pointless.

- Bayman's ending, however, is freaky. One wonders what this development will mean for the story of DOA 5, should there be any such game.

- Christie's fourth costume is damn sexy. *Drool*

- At first, the graphics didn't seem that different to me. Then I started noticing that it seemed to be the small details that had been improved upon, thus making the entire game look shiny and new. The backgrounds, of course, are a lot more detailed and realistic. Then, when you look at the characters, you do start to notice the little things. Like the veins in Jann-Lee's arms, the shine to any metallic surfaces on certain characters' costumes (Brad Wong, Kokoro and Spartan are prime examples), and the improved movement in their facial expressions.

- Tina looks odd now. In-game, she looks much the same, but, in FMVs, she just looks weird to me. Her eyes look smaller and her head looks wider. Or is it just me?

- Bass' and Bayman's eyes look really evil now. XD They've got more of a "gonna kick your ass, bitch!" look about them.

- Zack's ending made me chuckle, because it's just so delightfully silly.

- Helena's ending = so awesomely epic. Easily one of the best endings.

- Christie and Bayman finally have their own unique tag moves! *Jumps for joy*

........That is all for now. I think I should go and eat something now.

dreams, gaming, dead or alive, ramblings

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