Elitist customers bring me such joy. Not.

Jan 27, 2006 22:17

Yay! Another rant about a stupid-ass customer! Spread the joy!

......Or, erm, not.

Basically, I was working on one of the baby aisles, putting out jars of food and whatnot. I was getting along perfectly fine, with very few interruptions.

Until some elitist old cow came along.

Glaring at me as if I was a pile of dregs at the back of someone's fridge all the while, and leaning in my face in an effort to imtimidate me, she snarled: "Where are your travel cots? I rang up and they told me that they had some in stock, but I can't see them anywhere. If you don't have any, I will go mad because they said they had one in stock. If I don't get this cot, I have a baby that will have nowhere to sleep if I don't get it. I will go mad. I could have gone somewhere else before 6:00, but no. You had better have one in stock. I will go mad......". O_o

She just kept repeating "I will go mad" over and over again. I heard you the first time, sweetheart, no need to get your knickers in a twist.

Well, I looked around, and couldn't see any travel cots. She may have been told that the store had some in stock, but, nope, couldn't see any.

I just felt extremely angry towards her, for the way she was speaking to me. If she's been misinformed, it's not my fault. It is also not my fault if we don't have any in stock. I don't deliver the products to the store.

Plus, if this baby she was talking about supposedly wouldn't have anywhere to sleep..... where the bloody hell was it sleeping before?! On the floor??

And the whole "I could have gone somewhere else before 6:00" crap. Why didn't she go somewhere else, then? She could have visited loads of shops before they closed. Why didn't she try a store like Mothercare?! They've probably got buggerloads of travel cots in stock.

In the end, I told her to go to the customer service desk to make an enquiry, because I sure as hell didn't want to waste any more of my time with such an uptight old slapper like her. I had more important things to do than deal with her "holier-than-thou" attitude.

As she walked off, I heard her muttering to her friend "This is ridiculous!" before suddenly whipping around to face me again, snapping "Where is the customer service desk?!".

I pointed her in its general direction, fighting hard to resist the urge to say "It's right in front of you as you enter the store, you dumb bitch.". >=( What a stupid old bat.


On a lighter note...... Euan got Dead Or Alive 4 in the post today. \o/ I know what game I'll be playing next time I'm round his house. ^__^

gaming, work rants, euan, jobs, dead or alive, attack of the stupid, work, stupid customers

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