I wish I still got on with my mother.

Oct 06, 2005 22:01

And so, since attempting to get online many times since around 8:00 this morning, it hath finally let me connect. \o/

.....yeah, NTL was having a bit of a spaz-fit.

I suppose it's a good thing I couldn't get online earlier, though...... I was in one of the foullest moods of my life, which would have probably resulted in me posting a screaming bitch-fest on my LJ.

In short, my mother was being a complete and utter fucking cow. Even more so that she usually is. I'd rather not go into any further details right now.

In other news, I have an overwhelming urge to go into town and buy a load of stuff. However, seeing as it is late at night, the chances of the shops being open are incredibly slim indeed. As can logically be expected.

Anyway, I'd best be getting to bed soon. I could do with a good night's sleep, considering I only got about three or four hours early this morning. O_O

<3 ♥ <3 ♥

urge to shop rising, drama llamas, sleep deprivation, internet connection issues

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