
Mar 12, 2003 18:30

Not a very exciting day at college. I had my project assessment for the entire first lesson, which went okay, I suppose. For the second lesson, we had to be moved to the interior design room to work on our projects some more.

However, during the last fifteen minutes of the lesson, Charlotte came over to chat to me and Lou. We ended up covering a whole range of topics, such as: Bikini lines, our birth marks, our breast sizes, our differing skin tones, and why we think that penises aren't particularly attractive. *Blinks* Facinating stuff.

Then, since I don't have any lessons after lunch, I went to the Octagon Theatre with Jem to get our tickets for the show we're going to see. Afterwards, I had to walk/limp to my mother's workplace so we could catch a bus home. Firstly, however, we went around the shops so we could purchase random things.

Walking around hasn't been too hard on my blistered feet today, as I have been wearing my favourite old pair of grey trainers. Much better than yesterday. =)

Anyway, I'd best be off. I may update a little later, though. For now, I'm going to try and download the Lil' Kim, Queen Latifah and Macy Gray version of The Cell Block Tango from Chicago.

I might watch Coronation Street later on, too. *Everyone stares at her oddly* Okay, look, I know that I'm no fan of soap operas, but I just so happen to be interested in the Richard Hillman storyline. I mean, come on, he's a serial killer in a soap opera for God's sake. You gotta love it. Well, I do, anyway, because I'm a twisted, bizarre individual. That's all I'm watching it for. Richard. Because he's a badass. Plus, I think that Brian Capron (who portrays him) is a good actor anyway.

Anyway, now I have finished admitting that I do sometimes watch Corrie, if only for certain storylines (help me!), I will bugger off and download that song now. ;-)

9:07 pm

I've just finished watching Corrie. It wasn't as exciting as the papers have made it out to be, but, then again, I don't find soap operas particularly exciting. I find them rather predictable, to be honest, and the scripts can be pretty unoriginal. However, like I said, I have a strange liking for the "big" storylines. There's just something about them that demands I watch them. ;-) However, if I want heart-stopping, nail-biting, emotional, original, well-written, well-acted television material, I'll watch Farscape anyday. ;-)

Don't get me wrong, some soap acting is pretty good, but it doesn't blow me away, if you get my meaning. Soap fans, please don't take offence. =) I'm just stating what I feel. Besides, I did enjoy tonight's ep of Corrie, despite the fact that it wasn't as exciting as I was anticipating.

Speaking of soap fans, I feel sorry for them, as the storylines are always spoiled by newspapers, magazines, and television months before the episodes are due to be aired. Yes, some people live off spoilers, but what if you don't like spoilers? I know that, if I was a soap fan, I'd get extremely pissed off. When it comes to shows that I watch, I may read small spoilers, but not big fat ones that give away every aspect of the plot. I like to be surprised by plot twists and the like. What I don't like is when I sit there, knowing what's going to happen. It's not a good feeling, believe me! I like to be surprised/shocked/overjoyed/enraged by the plot twists. =)

Anyway, regarding tonight's episode.... R.I.P. Richard Hillman. Brian Capron is a good actor, I have to say.

It's bizarre, isn't it? I mean, I'm not a Corrie fan, and yet I have an unhealthy facination with one of the characters. Sheesh.

At the moment, I'm watching part two of a Nelson Mandela documentary. Very interesting viewing, too.

Anyway, the Kim/Latifah/Macy version of The Cell Block Tango has finally downloaded. Sadly, I can't listen to it right now, as I have to get off soon, but rest assured I will listen to it tomorrow. Jem says that it is pretty good, but not as good as the original. I have a feeling I may feel the same way, but I won't know until I listen to it myself. Besides, it's Lil' Kim, for crying out loud! =D I will never rest until I have heard every single collaboration that she has ever done! ;-)

Yes, I am a sad, geeky little fan. I accept and embrace that fact.

*Is being shouted at by her mother to get offline*

jem, shopping, music, yay manparts, zomg spoilers, television, friends, geekiness, yay boobs, college projects, college, lil' kim, theatre, chicago, oh the pain

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