Customers sucketh

Jun 08, 2005 17:04

Yesterday was, to put it mildly, really, really shit.

And there's nothing like a rude, elitist bitch of a customer to make my day even worse.

Right, so, it was nearing the end of my shift. A fresh delivery of Pharmacy-Only (ie. they can only be sold over the counter, they cannot be picked up off the shop floor just like that) medicines had just come from the stock room, so, naturally, it was my duty to aid one of my co-workers in stacking the pharmacy shelves. Of course, I would stop regularly (every 30 seconds or so) glance behind me, at the counter, to make sure that there weren't any customers approaching/waiting. If there did happen to be any customers, I would serve them immediately.

So, I'd been stacking one of the bottom shelves for, say, about 20 seconds. Suddenly, I hear this snobbish voice literally snarl: "Excuse me, is stacking the shelves really more important than serving me?".

Taken aback, I stood up, and looked the customer, standing there, looking at me with this infuriating "holier-than-thou" look in her eyes. Fighting the urge to reply "Well, yes, it is actually, since you're being such an arrogant, rude old hag", I instead replied with "How long have you been waiting, exactly?".

To which she whined/responded "Oh, I've been waiting for absolutely ages.".

Liar. I'd been stacking the shelves for less than half-a-minute and you certainly weren't waiting around before I began stacking them, so don't try to feed me that bullshit.

She then snarled "Get me the pharmacist". No please, no thank you, just "Get me the pharmacist". What did I tell you? Rude. Just plain fucking rude. I would have responded with "No, ma'am, but what I can give you is a nice, healthy kick in the teeth", but, hey, I don't want to lose my job, so..... off to get the pharmacist it was.

I then decided to get my point across my constantly walking past the woman and stacking the shelves right in front of her, just to piss her off. I know, it may not seem like much, but seeing as a) I couldn't exactly make snide remarks to her, and b) she's clearly so *gasp!* offended by clean supermarkets......

I hate assholes. >_< *growls*

In other news, I completed Silent Hill 4 on Monday. =D I got the "Escape" ending, which was the one I was aiming for initially. I'm thinking that I might try for the "Mother" ending next.

Speaking of SH 4, I want to know where I can locate some really good, high-quality shots of Victim!Cynthia, so I can make icons. *points to current icon, obviously not made by myself* Also because, well, she's blatantly inspired by Sadako from Ring in her Victim/Ghost form, so that immediately makes her spiffy in my eyes. =b

gaming, work rants, rude people, silent hill, attack of the stupid, stupid customers, requests, rants

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