Now to get hold of the videotapes.

Jan 24, 2005 22:27

Right, both parts of Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars have been recorded. Now, I just have to finish my Season 4 marathon and get access to the tapes, and there will be much rejoicing. *Nods*

I'm in a really weird sort of mood at the moment. O_o Blah.

Random thoughts:

- Crash Nitro Kart is mucho fun, oh yes. The time trials are bloody annoying, but, it's still incredibly fun, nonetheless. I think I prefer Crash Team Racing, though.

- I am beginning to give up hope of locating two of my PS1 memory cards. They've been missing since September, or something along those lines. >< It's really beginning to piss me off.

- Even though I'm not sure when the date will be, I'm still getting excited at the thought of marrying Euan. <3

- It is too damn cold.

- I want to do another movie quotes meme. Oh, the horror.

- I have noticed that Guildenstern from Onimusha and the Hylden race from Legacy of Kain share some physical similarities. I think so, anyway. And why, yes, I am a geek.

- It feels bizarre being on FanFiction.Net once again. I haven't properly surfed that site in ages. I can't really imagine myself writing another fanfic again, though. Because I am a shit writer. Yes.

- Rammstein's Ohne Dich makes me well up. Such a beautiful, sad song. It could damn well make a good track to an angsty Willow/Tara music video. The lyrics just fit. *Nods*

- As boring as the prospect sounds, I need to do some more job-hunting. Joy.

love, gaming, music, marriage, farscape, random, list(s), onimusha, crash bandicoot, euan, job-searching

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