Yet another addition to my expanding DVD collection....

Apr 11, 2003 20:56

Mother bought the Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets DVD today. I've just finished watching it for the first time, believe it or not (I really wish I'd seen it in the cinema, like I did the first one). Fantastic film. Love it to pieces. =D

I'm going to watch the extras later, when I've finished watching My Family.

I had a serious panic attack earlier on, when my mother wouldn't answer her phone (she was out at a party). As it turned out, her phone had lost the signal, but fuck, I was worried. *Sigh* At least all is well now....

Oh yes, and I didn't attend college today. I was too tired. It was the last day before the Easter holidays anyway, so I doubt that many people would have turned up. If several other students miss the lessons, it can't hurt if one more misses them, eh?

Yes, okay, I probably sound like some naive little child. I don't really care.

Oh, I almost forgot. I had a really bizarre and rather unpleasant dream in the early hours of this morning, but I can't be bothered to go into it now. Let's just say that it involved crushing machines, a lot of panic, and Quake 2-style gore (if you've ever watched an enemy get mashed to bits in between the sliding doors in that game, you'll know what I mean). Interested? Disgusted? Just plain confused? Read all about it tomorrow....

Anyway, I shall be off now. Toodles!

bizarre, television, quake, nightmares, easter holidays, college, dreams, dvds & blu-rays, mother, panic attack, films, harry potter

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