Sky Captain, shopping n' stuff

Oct 05, 2004 22:34

Maybe my subject title should say something along the lines of "OMGmycomputerisbackyay". Heh.

Yes, my computer has finally been fixed and is (almost) problem-free. And it now has (*gasp*) over a quarter of hard drive space back. =D

As it was Jobseeker's Allowance day today, I met Euan in town, before we went to the Job Centre for our signings.

After this, we went shopping. =) I didn't intend on buying anything, but, obviously, I changed my mind.

This is what I purchased:

- Rammstein's Herzeleid album.

- A small book, A Book of Dumb Questions.

- A large and expensive keyring - that is, a reproduction of the Pussy Wagon keyring from Kill Bill.

- A small badge which reads "I <3 MYSELF". (I don't know how to do that heart-shaped emoticon-type-thing, so I put "<3" instead.)

- A rather cheap copy of the Onimusha 2 strategy guide. Not that I need it, as I know that game like the back of my hand, but still, I bought it for reference.

In between all this buying, Euan and I found time to see Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow at the cinema. In short, I love it.

At first, the look of the film seemed a little bit hard on the eyes, but I got used to it a few minutes in. It looks incredibly different to any other film at the moment, and, personally, I think it looks great.

However, I found Polly (Gwyneth Paltrow's character) to be rather annoying at first. I managed to tolerate her later on, though. And I marvelled at her ability to keep her seemingly unsmearable lipstick looking neat and tidy.

Also, Franky (Angelina Jolie's character) has been highly publicised, yet she only appeared in a very small amount of scenes. This disappointed me, because Franky is without a doubt my favourite character. Not just because Angelina plays her - although that is certainly a bonus - but because she's just...... spiffy.

Aside from those minor niggles, though, I love the film, and I am buying the DVD when it is released. Yes.

I shall be off to bed now. I leave you with......

Random quote of the day:
Euan: *Squeaky voice* "Magical flaming robot babies!"

onimusha 2, walkthroughs, quote(s) of the day, jobseekers allowance, euan, rammstein, cinema, computer stuffs, cds, kill bill, shopping, job centre, ramblings, films, keyrings, sky captain, books

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