I loves my pretty pretty game soundtracks.

Oct 01, 2004 16:14

In the past few days, I have managed to purchase four items that I have been after for quite some time:

- Audition on DVD - I purchased this on Wednesday, after wanting it for several months.

- The Onimusha 3: Demon Siege soundtrack - Euan ordered two copies about a week ago, one for each of us. They were delivered yesterday. Not only that, but it's the Limited Edition version, too. *Nods* Yay for lovely, pretty, epic game music.

- A second-hand copy of Pandemonium 2 for the Playstation - I purchased this today. I have yet to find out if my PS2 will let me play it (my console is fucked up in the sense that it has started to refuse to play a large number of certain discs, the bloody stupid machine), but still. I have been after that game for years, so I was pretty chuffed to find it for a mere £7.97.

- The official Silent Hill 4: The Room walkthrough guide - also purchased today. I have no intention of reading this guide until I've completed the game for fear of massive spoilers, but, rest assured, I shall treasure it, for it is informative and pretty. Yes. *Nods*

The computer has been taken somewhere to be looked at (about bloody time, too!). I am now at Euan's for the day. I can't sleep over, due to the fact that, early tomorrow morning, I have to go to the doctor's surgery. Why, I hear you ask? Because it is that oh-so-wonderful time of year where I am forced to have a javelin driven through my arm, thus leaving me in agony for months on end, with my arm hanging on by one bloody thread.

......Okay, so I'm only having my yearly flu jab. But still. I'm allowed to over-exaggerate every now and then.

I shall now bugger off and have a shower, or something. Whee.

soundtracks, walkthroughs, computer/video games, music, flu vaccination, audition, onimusha, euan, dvds & blu-rays, silent hill, computer stuffs, cds, shopping, films, doctor's appointments, books

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