Prickles! And Fluff!

Jul 11, 2004 22:25

We have hedgehogs living in our garden. =D I saw two baby ones earlier today, underneath my guinea pig Toadstool's hutch. Heh. I haven't seen any hedgehogs in years.

Jess went back to the USA today. =( If only she could have stayed a bit longer. I'm going to miss her. Still, at least Jem and I can talk to her online and suchlike. But it isn't quite the same.

Oh, and work was actually pretty good today! Yes, you read that correctly. You now have permission to gasp in shock.

Reasons why work was actually pretty good:

- We only worked for four hours. Okay, so that's bad in the sense that I won't get paid quite as much money as I usually do, but, eh. It's hard work, so it's okay to finish earlier than usual.

- Adele wasn't being too much of a bitch. In fact, she was actually quite friendly. *Gapes* Yes, again, you read that correctly. I don't know if she meant it, or if she was doing it for the sake of the work, but it was a nice change. (......Oh my good God, Adele was being reasonably friendly. Bloody hell. Surely that's one of the signs of the Apocalypse?!)

- I got £10 tips. Ha ha. Moneymoneymoney. *Drools*

- It was generally a happier working environment than it usually is.

As for yesterday? Well, I was at Euan's house most of the day (I slept over Friday night), so, erm, we spent about three hours cleaning his room. X-D His shelving units, anyway. His DVDs, games and videos are now organised. =b Fear my powers of cleanliness.

Anyway, I shall be ending this update here and going to bed. Toodles for now, all.

toadstool, hedgehogs, jem, co-workers, euan, garden, work, jess, stupid co-workers, cleaning, animals, money

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