Oct 29, 2004 17:57
i dont want to be the one that hurts
i wish it would all just faid away in my own dreams
sometimes i feel like im always in the spot light
Every waking hour today has been cold, and you have always been in the back of my mind
I really cant shake the pain that you placed on my shoulders last night right before i went to rest
And yes your right, it proved to me that you were selfish
And i am allowed to be upset with you about it, and yes i know your sorry but why do we always have to have conflict?
so what are you going to do if i am?
Odviously you meant it so dont tell me i know you didnt, and if you didnt mean to say it why did you
its pearced my heart.
Anyway i might go lye down and try get some rest coz i sure as hell didnt last night.
i feel like im crumbing, falling into a well with no water in it just a never ending tunnel of darkness.
Maybe i shouldnt be here with you?
Made a new painting - its a self portrait my mums likes it anyway
EvErY bOdY HuRtS SoMeTiMeS - R.E.M