May 11, 2004 22:39
so as many of you may know.........ami drank AND smoked weed last night. way to go me. but! i did pack a bowl for the first time last night. it was easy though, so i guess it's really not that big of a deal.
we had 99 bananas, which is good btw, with orange passion juice and pineapple juice. fruity. like phil. :D Then we had Sauza tequila so we made margaritas too. Damn, i heart margaritas. i heart tequila.
so everyone knows that when ami gets drunk/stoned....she ims/emails/calls folk she really shouldn't. or its not that i shouldnt call/email/im them...its just that i shouldnt say what i say to them.......or i just make pointless random babblings..........kinda like this post now. :D
I stole the following from chuck's profile, It's neat. If you're cool enough to understand it. :D
Hola viejo dime cómo estás,
los años pasan y no hemos vuelto a hablar
y no quiero que te pienses
que me he olvidado de tí.
Yo por mi parte no me puedo quejar,
trabajando como siempre igual,
aunque confieso que en mi vida
hay mucha soledad.
En el fundo tú y yo somos casi igual
y me vuelvo loco solo con pensar.
Quizás, la vida nos separe cada día más,
quizás, la vida nos aleje de la realidad,
quizás, tú buscas un desierto y yo busco un mar,
quizás, que gracias a la vida yo te quiero más.