Mar 05, 2006 22:07
this spring break rocks. the last few days have been some of the best this year. which is good...complete contrast to my last post :) i refuse to only update when i am angry. amy jo.
anyhow...why have the last few days rocked? let me tell you!
I got home friday night and just was great. SATURDAY, woke up early and picked up jay and went to north jetty beach for the skim bash! holy cow. not only did we have some good brudder seester quality time, but i showed everyone icould stil beat him up :) and say some people i havent seen in FOREVER (whit and kris...yay!!!). ALSO, it was awesome to see it still going after all the work jay and i put in it the 1st year. it was nice to just sit and watch for a change too! while we were there, i got to tell jay my plans for like, my life. and he approved. and he wants to help me! he totally said he wants to be the grounds keeper of my camp ground. like, said it straight up. i didnt ask him or anything :)
we left the skim bash around 11, droped him off at jamies and then came home, found i was by myself so i laid out. i felt like such a redneck cause i was laying in my back yard, listening to my country music and drinking a beer. lol. then i picked up my mom from the car shop and stopped by kash n karry. Jay, jamie and my dad came home and we cooked out! mmmm! ::Drools:: after that, jay and i went cruising around in my dads old classic BRIGHT YELLOW convertable. ooo i love that car. came home, tried to watch rent (jay and jamie fell asleep!!!!) then i went to bed!
TODAY (sunday!)
woke up at like 8 am to my brother screaming drill cadences around the house waking everyone up. jerk. then mom and i went on an awesome bike ride around the neighborhoods along the road. some NICE houses. omg. so this whole bike riding thing....i seriously havent riden a bike since high school, maybe middle school. and theo nly bikes my mom has are the nice, lightweight, professional biking bikes. i almost didnt go on the bikeride cause i forgot how to ride a bike! i almost cried! lol. it was sa hard! then my mom reminded me that i was never good at riding a bike. i had training wheels til 1st grade and constantly ran into trees. whatever. well, about 10 min later, with much persistance, i got the hang of it! AND NO CRASHES! Yay for me! after the bike ride, mom and i washed my car, her car and my grandparents car. then i made some lunch for us and we watched some tv. at 4:30, my grandma told my mom she was having company at 5 so we cleaned the house like crazies. met her 49385720951 old people were in my house. it was seriously a convention or something. apparently i have a bunch of extended family i have never met. amy jo came and saved me and we drove down to sarasota to see exodus. it was cute. red jacket boy was my favorite. by far. or the break dancing, hup inger boy :) came home, got some grub, chatted w/ random people and watched some oscars. and now i am here.
man. so much fun. who would have thought? i wasnt too sure about spring break cause i knew nothing would ever beat last years, but this one is amazing. so far. i love it!
yay! bye :)