Look! Being Human fic! Incredibly random and rare character-centric, but still! Fic! Yay :D The fake-cut leads to my creative journal,
aprivatelibrary Once a Year, Every Year
Fandom/Source Material: Being Human
Rating: PG-13
Summary: I never imagined myself here… Living is full of sacrifices for Fleur in the wake of Bernie’s new life; lessons are hard learnt and the most terrible acts are those of survival. One-shot, creepy monologuish POV piece. 1500 words.
Spoilers: Up to 1.04
Notes: I have no idea where this came from. I wrote it ages ago and decided to let it sit for a while before posting it. And seeing as the new series is just around the corner, now seemed as good a time as any to get it posted.
I tell them I had a son what died. It’s true, after all. )