Two things I'm looking to do in the very near future:
1. A new layout for this thing. I will miss having the only BallyK themed LJ in the world, but It's getting a little old as I don't watch BallyK as much any more (it will still make me very sad to see it go, and what abou my lovely Assumpta mood feem?).
I'm just aiming for something a little less fannish and a little more Amy, you know? :)
2. A massive post dumping all my icons. Or rather, a massive icon directory. I make icons on a one-or-two icon basis and concequently never get round to posting them. Also, they are all over this site like a rash in terrible order. So my idea is to make a page of all my icons, listed under genre/show/film etc.
The big question is whether to post it here, or at
aprivatelibrary - it's definitely a creative endeavour, and that is my creative page, but are icons actually art?
It's a toughie, but a toughie that I will approach tomorrow, as this morning I must be at uni by ten.