LOOK! X files icon! Courtesy of
smileymli81818, who also occasionally makes Ballykissangel icons and therefore is wonderful.
Talking of X files, I finished season one and am now experiencing drought and withdrawal :( As if moving to a new place all alone weren't enough...
I sort of made some friends on the first night but I think I accidentally turned them into enemies by staying in the next day and not seeing them again til the halls meeting this morning, where they sort of blanked me, huh. Bugger. Only now I'm all freaked out by this and can't seem to bring myself to get out of my room and get out there.
This is also because the last three conversations I've had with random other residents have been curiously one-sided, with me asking all the normal questions (What course you doing, which campus you at, where you from etc) and them giving cursory answers and not asking questions and therefore me having to offer information on myself. I hate this because I think it makes me sound very dull and self-centred, and can never be sure if I've said too much and are boring them, or if they're just thinking, God, this person is rude.
Or maybe I'm just incredibly paranoid...
Anyway. Tomorrow I enroll on my course, which I am looking forward to in a terrified sort of way, because I'm hoping to meet some cool people doing Creative Writing. They can't all be normal, can they?
Hhmm. In hindsight, I really should have done that Brighton trip, even though 90% of the people I spoke to thought it was a bad/sad/silly/boring idea. But I should have done it. Even though I was soooo hungover :(