Well, I'm not sure what to say about this:
MASSIVE SPOILER FOR DOCTOR WHO S4! On the one hand, I really liked Donna, and enjoyed the last christmas special in part because I did. She was funny and interesting and a bit crazy, so I liked her quite a lot.
That said - Gah, can we not have something new? Please?! I don't know, someone not from the 21st Century for once? A male companion maybe? An alien companion? A historical companion? Just something else!
Also, while I liked Donna a lot and would have liked to see more of her, I did think that her storyline was more or less complete as it stands. She seemed even more interesting because she refused to go with the Doctor, it was part of what made her stand out.
So... I dunno. I'd like to see Donna again, but if I had the whole of time and space to choose from, I just don't think I'd pick her.
In other, related news, I'm in the middle of making a Master vid, and horrendously excited because it's turning out lovely. Not that's it hard, because John Simm makes all things lovely :D Also, I get my results from college on Friday, and therefore get to discover whether this last year has been a complete waste of time. Holy moly.