Princess Mononoke Vid: Newborn

Apr 18, 2006 22:51

Title: Newborn
Film: Princess Mononoke
Music: 'Newborn' by Muse
Description: Ashitaka centric vid, about y'know, his struggles and his journey and such. Not much of any other character 'cept San because she's the most important to him. No copyright infringement intended.

Right click on the title and save target as please!

I slaved over this, it is rather a work from the heart. See, I went into Virgin Megastores armed with vouchers to begin my journey into the world of Firefly, but my eye was caught by something I'd heard of but never seen - Princess Mononoke. A dilemma ensued in which I was forced to decide between Serenity and Princess Mononke, and I eventuall decided to sacrifice thwe more important, vital items on my list (underwear and clothing) for the sake of buying both. Following this action, all my little cousins watched it voraciously on our ski trip. My sixteen-year-old brother discovered his inner Seth and watched it three days in a row. And I... vidded it.

Please leave feedback! As Layha Siderea once said, 'This shit takes time'. Boy was she right.

ETA: Well my tests are reporting a number of problems regarding downloading this, so if it doesn't contact me and/or try again. Hope you like it!

(crossposted from

fanvid, blogspot, crossposting, video

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