
Dec 06, 2006 01:03

Long time! I had laptop troubles and UCAS troubles and Assessment week troubles and then I just have been being lazy :P And writing in my real diary, which is something I hardly ever do. Strange.

Anyway, just a post to establish my existence on this plane (like some animal marking its scent or something. My clawing tree! Mine! Grr!) Also, going to be trying out a new layout soon - nothing fancy, just something entertaining :)

Obligatory television bit (warning! contains squeeing and spoilers)

S60: GAH episode eleven! :D It was so fluffy! And tasty! Much like Jordan's noodles, mmm. I've been kinda craving noodles since I watched that (the first time, and all the times that followed after. I keep watching that scene. I want to watch it again.) I didn't realise how strongly I shipped Danny/Jordan, yikes. I think I'm just a terminal shipper and any romancy thing would make me squee, but it's special because it's Danny. Danny I love :) *squees in quiet adoration* 
LOST!!!: Hoo. This is very interesting, or at least Sawyer in a cage is interesting. And Kate still makes me go wibbly. :) Hee. And Alex! She was that girl in Malcolm in the Middle! I saw an episode with her in before LOST!!! began again, and couldn't work out where I'd seen her from :P And then it was like, Alex! And, er, Locke's a drug dealer? Huh? (I once had a dream in which a pair of tigers went around killing and eating drug dealers. And that's not really relevant, but it is amusing.) My father pointed out that ep 3 was kind of pointless in that the plot was basically that Locke was looking for Eko and then... he found him. Which is true. But the airport bit! That really rather rocked. :) Yay for meta.

Torchwood: I can't be objective on this one whatsoever. Which basically means that I can see its flaws but ignore them for the sake of THE LOVE. Because the love wins FOREVER. I mean, Jack's twin boyfriends! Cannibals! Everyone being basically bisexual! And they've nearly all snogged an alien by now. And, you know, Jack :) I saw him on Never Mind the Buzzcocks and that man is getting gayer and dirtier with every TV spot he takes. And the Owen/Gwen. And the Jack/Gwen. And the Jack/Ianto (though, seriously, wtf was up with the stopwatch thing at the end of ep 8? I mean, huh? Could someone please explain what it was that I wasn't getting there? That can't be what I think, can it? Can it?)
Robin Hood: It's horrible to love something that everybody else hates with a passion :( C'mon, guys, stop taking it so seriously. We're not here for the words or the acting, we're here for the story. (Shut up, I know)  In the spirit of silliness, I proceed: Will/Djaq/Allan OT3! Please! And this is probably the most slashy show EVER (except possibly barring Green Wing :D) What was the Sheriff doing to Guy in that last episode? Guy did have a slightly orgasmic look on his face. Huh... And if Much isn't in love with Robin I don't know what's what. Eve is merely a ploy by the writers to try and make his seem straight, like a sexier Rosie Cotton. The jealousy in Much's face whenever he sees Robin with Marion makes me squee :)
Holy shizcakes, it's 1 am on the dot already... I have much to do :) Nighty.

torchwood, studio 60 on the sunset strip, lost, tv, lj, robin hood

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