Well I am still pretty shitted up about
that website, but I can't just shut my eyes and ears and hum to myself in the hope that I'll feel better if I distance myself from it. I tried that when I was twelve and succeeded so completely that it wasn't until I was sixteen and au-pairing in the US that I remembered all that confusion and worked out what it meant. But that whole episode is another story.
Wait! I really didn't want to make this another angsty post because I'm feeling like I'm being very self-centred (which is stupid, why else have a blog if not to endlessly obsess over your own motives and thoughts and actions and self and all those grubby little episodes that make up our lives). I would really like to post some art but I'm just... lazy. There's no excuse but that for some reason dragging my (seemingly-unable to lose weight) arse downstairs to access the scanner because it's so ridiculously far away- STOP! I'm writing angsty again. GAH. I'm not depressed, I hope I'm not depressed because I really can't deal with that right now. No, I'm hormal. Yes, that's it. Phew.
So I'll do what normally adjusted people (-that's the last time, I promise) and post links! I'm quite excited.
Fic Recs:
Nearly all from
Silverlake because I've been reading my way through that:
My Spiders from Mars by cgb - JD/Dr Cox and just... perfect, ahh.
Doctor Who and Firefly: Anything by
Tara LJC O'Shea. I'm just in love with her writing.
Battlestar Galactica:
for whom it is reserved by Sangga - I just love things like this; character sketches are my secret lovers.
Bring it on:
Routine by Pearl-o - perfectly picks up on something I think more than a few people suspect.
>>Finally, because I just discovered her, anything by
Kate Bolin, but particularly:
Doctor Who:
18 Seconds - I just like how the character of the Doctor is sketched out in this series of events and visits - and how this random sight-seeing seems to be so directionless compared to the events of the series itself. Plus, it's lovely.
Harry Potter:
Come Shots - A bunch of Hermione/Girls which is pretty... nice. Heh.
La Brea and
Gaiety - two short stories about Rogue, both wonderful and sweet (one is also funny :D).
Milk Run - I have a strange tendancy to be afraid of Firefly fanfiction, probably because of my huge insecurities about someone mangling something I am so emotionally invested in. Milk Run is lovely, though - and pitch perfect in tone and character.
Maybe I'll write some of my own soon. In the mean time, rejoice! While there are people who write like this in the world, life can't be all bad, can it? :D
(crossposted from