Feb 16, 2014 18:15
So last weekend I got my first pair of high heeled shoes. And these things aren't modest either. They're 5 inch heels. I've be we gotten heels before because I've always been self conscious about my height. Well I fell in love with heels. Holy moly they make me feel damn sexy. So I bought 3 more pair today.
Yes, it was a pointless entry but I'm making progress in helping myself. At least I'm not thinking death much anymore. I'm looking forward with a more positive outlook.
Also, Dylan and I had a loooooooonnnnnggggg talk the other night (with quite a lot of tears from me) and we finally are on the same page with babies. We are officially trying for a baby now. So my life is looking a bit more positive. :)
But Ashley, I really want to make an effort to hang out more. I love being around you because your optimism flows off of you and I'd love to catch some of it!
via ljapp