whoops I skipped Thanksgiving

Dec 15, 2008 14:54

Our Thanksgiving festivities this year were minimal. After Turkey Day itself in Toledo with Andy's fam, I came down with something that originally I thought was the flu, but now think was food poisoning. (No, not from Thanksgiving itself, but a trip to Miyako.) So we didn't get eat two more Thanksgiving meals. But we had fun meeting our new niece/cousin!

C Raz holds baby Leah. He's the BIG cousin now!

Aunt Karen blows out the candles on her bday cake.

Aren't they cute? C Raz wants to help with that cake!

This little turkey thinks it's delicious.

One little, two little (cranky) indians...

From cranky to happy in 2.8 seconds.

My turn!

I got next!

Give the birthday girl a turn already!

Proud Busia!

Miss Leah Grace

The whole Overfield fam

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