Jan 12, 2008 18:00
Earlier, C Raz was done with his snack and he wanted down from his chair. Usually he is good at saying please, but he just wasn't saying it.
Trying to solicit it from him, I asked "What do you say when you want something?"
He promptly responded "Meemaw!"
(Punchline translator: Meemaw is what he is currently calling his Grammy Kay.)
Ahem mother, the truth comes out! :)
Markers are very popular at our house, as exhibited this morning. They are all kinds of fun. First you can draw with them and be an artist; then you can stick them end to end to "choo choo" them all over the house and be an engineer, and finally you can throw them in a bowl to stir them with a spatula and be a chef.
c raz,