So, Star Wars Galaxy 4 was released on February 18th. Among my 200+ cards, I did this 9-card puzzle set because it's the closest thing I can get to drawing an 'epic' Star Wars image on a somewhat official capacity.
A check on Ebay in the last few days was quite surprising to say the least...
Link - Dead Padme on Ebay Link - Padme's Uterus on Ebay Now I'm 99.9% certain that this puzzle set will never be complete @_@;;;
Other Ebay sightings:
Disciple/Mical card (mislabled as Anakin - The perils of drawing lesser known Expanded Universe characters :P)
Canderous cardDarth Traya card Everything Else
ROTJ Ewok Village LeiaEMPIRE's Quinlan Vos