Ok, my manager made a reference to Caddyshack in the same breath as mentioning me. This is probably because the I'm trying to catch the lobster in the work tank & cannot. He seems to sense the danger & is therefore camping out in the rocks. Typically, he runs about like mad terrorizing the rest of the tank dwellers.
Here's a part of the tank:
Hrmm...maybe I should explain what a 30 gal saltwater tank is doing in the office...honestly, I'm not too clear how this came about myself. I am, however, obsessed with the tank. Me, my manager & another Tech Consultant take care of it (i.e. feeding, adding/changing water). I've actually learned a lot from it & It's very interesting to watch the little ecosystem.
Here's a shot of Reredrum:
The 3 of us (mostly the TC) have also added things to the tank. I've gotten a coral frag & a pincoushion urchin. Which is why when the lobster started murdering tankmates (1 jawfish, 2 tangs, 1 goby, 4 fire crabs & various parts of the seastars) we voted him out. I set a trap this morning & throughout the course of the day the other fish, hermit crabs & snails have eaten all of the bait. Plus Reredrum is refusing to leave the rocks. We'll see, I may have to starve him out...of course he has meals on the go all over the tank.
The Trap!!